Monday, December 21, 2015

The Cost of Kindergarten - asks #7, #8 and #9

Date: December 18, 2015
What the ask was: When Scott dropped Star off at the bus stop, he was asked to contribute to a financial gift for the bus driver.
What we gave: $10
Why we gave that amount: I'm not sure how he arrived at that amount, but I think it's a fine amount.  

Date: December 21, 2015
What the ask was: We were asked to purchase tickets for the Malcolm X auction which will be in February. 
What we gave: $30
Why we gave that amount: Tickets are $15 each.

Date: December 21, 2015
What the ask was: End of Year Appeal.  
What we gave: $0
Why we gave that amount: I still feel like we gave too much for ask #1.

ask #1 - $1,111
ask #2 - $49
ask #3 - $31
ask #4 - $3
ask #5 - $10
ask #6 - $20
Fall 2015 After School - $2950
ask #7 - $10
ask #8 - $30
ask #9 - $0
Running Total: $4,214

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